Interview with a Witness…Charlie’s Story

Its been 6 years or so now (just remembered today) I was on the National Wildlife Refuge that borders the Arkansas River, it was late pm toward dusk. I had been walking this long observation corridor (think river levy lined with trees on either side) for 1/2 mile or so headed back to truck. I started noticing I could hear what sounded like a bull bellowing, I assumed it was coming from across the river not quite 1/2 mile away. After a litle while of this, since I grew up with cattle I started calling back mimmicing what I was hearing but not with as much volume obviously, I didn’t think much about what was going on. As whatever it was and I kept calling back and forth to each other it SEEMED whatever it was was on same side of river as I was which finally dawned on me “there are no cattle in this wildlife refuge, its fenced!” The clock was ticking as it was close to dusk, the refuge has an automatic gate that would close in a few minutes and I did not have much time left to spend in here. The calling continued and whatever it was seemed to be moving the same direction as I was at a little faster pace. When I reached the truck we kept up the calling back and forth (about a minute apart), I waited around as long as I dared with gate closing time coming up. I kept looking around the bend of corridor where the calling was coming from, waiting on a bull or sasquatch to come into sight but it never did. Finally I had to leave to get out before the gate closed.

Thanks for letting me share this with you, I had not thought about that in 5 years or so.

Q. When did you become interested in all things Bigfoot?

A. I started getting interested 15 years ago when i found out we had Bigfoot here in Arkansas. Before that i thought the only ones were down at Fouke where ‘The Legend of Boggy Creek’ came from and in the Pacific Northwest. Then a freind turned me onto ‘The Reclusive Forest Ape Chronicles’ done by an senior man here who had been researching them all over the state for 30-40 years. He and i became friends and about 10 years ago i went into the field with him to observe. Prior to that i had spent years hiking, exploring camping in the wilderness with no idea there were great Apes out there watching me 😛

If you have an encounter you’d like to share, you can message me here or my email: or

Author: sasysquatchgirl

A Bigfoot and beyond blogger and Nature Photographer from New England. I spend a majority of my free time in the woods exploring for any signs the hairy man has been around and snapping some pics along the way. So if you’re following this blog, you’ll be the first to know if I see him...

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